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Benton Group 

Founded in 2010 by a group of dairy farming families, Benton Group LLC has progressed from one dairy into three sites. Our location in the agriculture friendly state of Indiana has given us opportunity to grow and adapt to environmental and consumer changes. We are proud to have a farm that serves our community, employees, and our dairy farms' families.


Commitment to Regenerative Agriculture

Our commitment consists of four quantifiable metrics we specifically use for maintaining the land on which we grow the crops and feed for our dairy cattle.

  • Plant cover crops after we harvest in the fall, which sequesters carbon from the atmosphere and reduces our carbon footprint. Cover crops also protects the soil from winter erosion and the groundwater and nearby streams from nitrogen runoff from rain.​

  • Reduce tillage or plowing of the land to maintain soil structure and sequester carbon in the ground. Tilling breaks up the ground and leaves the topsoil (the topmost two to seven inches of dirt that contains microorganisms and nutrients) prone to erosion.​

  • Prioritize regular soil testing so we can accurately fertilize the soil based on the crops we are growing. Our application of fertilizer is persistent and replenishes the soil’s nutrients that are removed from the crops and plants. ​

  • Rotate the crops we plant each year. Cows eat a lot of corn…but they also eat a lot of soybeans and alfalfa too. This works great for us and the soil because we can grow corn one year then plant alfalfa on the same field the next year. We do this because corn is a nitrogen-needing plant and takes a large amount of nitrogen out of the soil. On the other hand, alfalfa is a nitrogen-depositing plant. It takes nitrogen out of the air and puts it back in the ground. Rotating our crops also adds biodiversity, which helps keep unwanted plants from growing with our crops and combats pests that can infect the crop with diseases.

Benton Group’s Regenerative Cropping Initiative results… 3,000 new acres added to the initiative in 2018, 71,500 pounds of nitrogen kept out of streams and other bodies of water, and 238 dump truck loads, (10.5 million pounds) of soil retained in Indiana fields.

Providing Consumers with Options

We strive to produce dairy products that are appealing to consumers wants and needs. Based on trends and 

research our dairies have shifted our focus to sustainability and have incorporated high standards for employee 

well-being, animal care, milk quality, and environmental stewardship.​​​​​​​​

  • NonGMO

  • Regenerative farming

  • Animal welfare auditing done annually

  • Located in the middle of the US with interstates and highways within 10 miles of each farm

Community Involvement

One of the three pillars of sustainability is social equity and at Benton Group we focus on giving children and 

families in our local areas adequate access to food.

  • Benton Group community donations:

  • Monthly donation to the Benton County Food Co-op

  • Refrigerator donation to the Benton County  Food Co-op to store dairy products

  • $2,225 from Freeland Dairy Open House fundraiser for Benton County Food Co-op

  • Yearly yogurt donations to Benton County 4-H

  • Seasonal yogurt donations to Warren County Summer Backpack Program for students

Animal Care

Animal care and health is the cornerstone of all we do. Every dairy location is annually audited by a third party to access our practices and for us to strive for improvements on how we care for our animals. All of our Employees are trained and retrained from day one on proper animal care and handling.

Employee Wellness

We are able to dairy farm because we have a great team of employees who show up excited to work 

and make our dairies better. The health, safety, and job satisfaction of our employees plays a critical role in 

the health of our dairies.


ALL CONTENT ©  Benton Group and all its entities

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